13 min read

Boost Collagen Production the All Natural Way

Revitalize your skin with Derma Prime Plus. Detoxify the liver and boost collagen production naturally from the inside out.
Boost Collagen Production the All Natural Way

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This is the Official video for Derma Prime Plus. Please Note: The authentic product can only be purchased through the official website. Only knock-off products are available through other online sellers and will not produce results as advertised.

A common question is "Which product is best for my skin?". The common answer is "I have no idea because there are too many to choose from". You've probably spent a lot of time researching several products that all tell you they are the best. You may have tried a couple of brands and possibly found one that seemed to be giving you that special radiance you were looking for, but after a while, it stops working. Now you are frustrated and short of your hard-earned cash.

I am here to tell you that not only is there an answer to that burning question, but also a reason why you haven't seen the lasting results from the products you are currently using for your skin routine. Let me introduce you to Derma Prime Plus an all-natural detox and skincare solution. You will discover why your skincare products are not producing the results you desire, especially as you grow older. And also, how you can tackle the problem at the root cause.

Today, we see the constant emergence of skincare products and trends. The quest for healthier, better-looking skin is never-ending. Our skin has the ability to self-moisturize, but unfortunately, all the so-called hydrating products we use every day actually make the skin’s cells lazy and less likely to keep in water. Also, as we age, natural collagen production in the body slows down and our nails, hair and skin suffer the consequences.

Are you spending an astronomical amount of money on cosmetics, lotions and potions to resolve wrinkles, dark spots, acne, psoriasis, eczema, saggy dull lifeless skin, dull dry hair, brittle nails, dry skin, and so much more?
Used by Hollywood VIPS to stay looking young. Buy DERMA PRIME PLUS today!
Derma Prime Plus targets 2 fundamental factors affecting the skin: INFLAMMATION and TOXINS in the liver. With the proper maintenance and care, your liver will take care of you from the inside out.
PLEASE NOTE: Derma Prime Plus is not a cure for existing medical conditions. It is a supplement designed to help relieve some of the stresses of the body stemming from the liver. Its main and more important focus is to resolve most skin problems and help you get back to and/or maintain a healthy youthful appearance as you age.

Have you ever considered that using chemically induced solutions on the skin's surface is only a band aid for problems derived internally in our bodies? I personally believe that attacking the root cause from inside out is the best solution. This is why skin supplements are necessary to maintain a healthy youthful appearance. Continue reading to learn more about what Derma Prime Plus can do for you. This all-natural skincare supplement will not only take care of your skin, it will also drain the toxins and inflammation from your liver. How great is that!

Dr. Ally Ray, a hepatologist for 15 years, devoted her study and research to skincare and reconstruction after an unfortunate family event. With the help of other medical professionals out of the University of Virginia - School of Medicine, they discovered that healthy skin, cell renewal and rejuvenation are directly linked to the health of the liver. These are the people who created the Derma Prime Plus formula.

Toxins in the liver affect your external appearance. If you fix that problem it could be a life-changing experience. But before getting into that, let me share 5 tips from Dr. Ray, that will help you achieve a normal skin balance and healthier habits in your skincare routine.

  1. Proper sleep: When you regularly get a good night's sleep, I'm sure you've noticed that your skin looks refreshed and you feel great in the morning. This is because sleep allows the body to rejuvenate itself and be rid of the stresses of yesterday. While you sleep, the body is continuously releasing hormones that promote cell turnover and renewal. 8 hours is what the doctor ordered.
  2. Sufficient Hydration from inside out: Drinking lots of water, and eating fruits and vegetables go a long way to improving the hydration of the skin. It is very important for the skin to hydrate naturally. Drinking enough water each day replenishes your skin's tissue and cells, allowing for younger, healthier looking skin.
  3. Wear sunscreen daily: It is a known fact that overexposure to the sun wreaks havoc on the skin. SPF 30 and above is recommended.
  4. Sanitize your phone: We are on our phones very often throughout the day. It collects bacteria like you would not believe. Disinfect regularly to avoid those nasty breakouts.
  5. Use water temperature as cold as you can handle: It's so soothing to take a refreshing hot bath or shower after a long stressful day. But truth be told, hot water damages the skin. It can lead to dryness, and even rashes.

Practice these 5 things and it will help to resolve some of the existing skin issues you may have. Honestly though, you will not be addressing the root cause. Start healing from the inside out by focusing on the internal problem.

Using 100% natural ingredients is key to protecting your body from harsh chemicals, and achieving permanent results.

Did you know that the liver is the only naturally regenerating organ in the body? It renews itself completely every 30 days. There are 5 major functions of the liver: Filtration, Digestion, Metabolism and Detoxification, Protein Synthesis, and Storage of Vitamins and Minerals. Basically, the liver regulates most chemical levels and cleanses the blood. All the blood leaving the intestines passes through the liver. WOW, very important organ isn't it?! Keeping the liver healthy is critical to your health. Even though the liver is a self-renewing organ it is not invincible.

A healthy liver means lower toxin levels in the body. A healthy liver relies heavily on everything you consume, making nutrition very important. If we could reduce the chemical intake in our bodies, it would help the liver function at an optimal level.

No matter how hard we try, eating and drinking chemical-free is difficult. Even if you consume organic, you have to consider how and where it's grown or made. This is a tedious task. Consuming healthy food and drink is a great start but not enough. Stop and think about my last couple sentences for a few seconds...hmmm - now, does it occur to you that taking advantage of a 100% natural supplement can be in your best interest? If "yes" is in your thoughts, then you are reading the right article. Derma Prime Plus can be the supplement for you.

There are 22 natural ingredients in Derma Prime Plus. Check out the detailed list below.

Let's take a deep dive into the ingredients that make up the Derma Prime Plus veggie capsule.

It is important to understand what each one of these carefully mixed ingredients is known for treating. If this list does not convince you that Derma Prime Plus is a great product I don't know what will.

Core Ingredients


Helps keep your skin strong and flexible. Repairs damaged tissue and promotes new cell growth. Necessary for the formation of keratin, the protein that gives hair and fingernails their strength and flexibility. Contributes to collagen production which is the main component of connective tissues like tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bone, and muscle. These tissues become stiff and inflexible when you don't have enough zinc. This makes it difficult to move joints and muscles. Zinc is required for making vitamin C, vital for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, two proteins that give skin elasticity and firmness.

Milk Thistle

Best ingredient for skin recovery and regeneration. Protects the liver from toxic chemicals and increases its ability to metabolize alcohol. Rich in quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that helps stop toxins and restore the skin without any side effects. Supports the immune system and fights infections. A potent diuretic that helps remove excess water and waste from the body. Helps regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

Beet Root

Contains high amounts of vitamin C – a remarkable dietary supplement with beneficial skin effects. Decreases wrinkles and fine lines – signs of aging an unhealthy skin. Useful in fixing harmed skin and serves as a collagen promoter.  Essential in handling hyperpigmentation and resisting acne. Count on its anti-inflammatory effects that assist skin renewal.


Rich in collagen which is essential to the skin, preserving its elasticity and potency, cell production, and repair. High vitamin C levels which is a vital ingredient in synthesizing collagen in your body.

Phyllanthus / Chanca Piedra

Healing effects for diseases like jaundice, skin ulcers, kidney, liver and diabetes. Empowers the body to fight bacteria in and out of the skin. Contains flavonoids that nourish the body with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Also includes lignans that have anti-cancer effects.

Dandelion Root

Rich in vitamins A, B complex, C, E, and K, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, and zinc. Cleanses the kidneys and bladder. Stimulates the flow of bile through the gallbladder and pancreas releasing enzymes into the bloodstream. Promotes digestion, increases circulation, which helps to flush toxins out of the body. Supports the liver's detoxification process.

Chicory Root

Rich in fiber and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and E. Source of minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, and copper. Excellent remedy for dry, flaky, or oily skin. Great on skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea.

Farrow Flowers

Contains several active ingredients which are effective at treating acne, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. Natural anti-inflammatory agent that reduces swelling and redness. Also stimulates blood flow which helps with healing.

Jujube Seed

Contains high levels of antioxidants called flavonoids. Good source of dietary fiber and manganese, which plays a role in energy metabolism. Work well for treating sunburn, soothes irritated skin and relieves itching. 

Proprietary Blend of Ingredients

Celery Seed

Known for its better impact over fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and improving overall skin complexion. Best natural essential oil for all types of skin. The presence of Omega zeroes fatty acids makes it helpful for maintaining the skin's elasticity and make your skin radiant and youthful. Popular ingredient used in many hair and skin products because of its ability to soothe. Loaded with vitamin A, B, C, K, niacin and folate, which are essential for repairing skin damages, reducing wrinkles, producing collagen and keeping skin in good health. Helps with acne scars, and lighten dark spots from sun damage.

Alfalfa Herb/ Medicago Sativa

Well-known substance that contains large volumes of macro and micronutrients. The antioxidant content of alfalfa makes it excellent for stopping external invaders from penetrating your body. This product can control early signs of aging and reduce the redness of your skin.

Burdock Root

Produces anti—inflammatory effects and is used to treat joint pain and swelling. Controls numerous gastrointestinal issues. Boost blood flow in the skin treating conditions like acne and eczema. Cleanses the skin and solves hair related problems.

Yellow Dock Root

Considered to be one of the best herbs for the entire digestive system. With naturally astringent properties, can be applied topically to alleviate swelling, bruising, rashes, sores, fungal infections, insect bites, acne and eczema. Contains high levels of iron and increases the uptake of other iron-rich foods. A source of potassium which helps with fluid regulation in the body. Contains vitamins A and C which are antioxidants with detoxification benefits. Topically, its astringent and antibacterial properties make it suitable for treating itchy skin, eczema, ringworm and hemorrhoids.


Helps improve the skin tone by boosting your collagen production. Collagen, like keratin, is a type of protein. And this becomes more important the older you get as your skin can not produce new skin cells.

Grape Seed

Excellent source of vitamins C and E, as well as antioxidants known as flavonoids, all of which may improve skin's texture and reduce the signs of aging. Escalates cell turnover and collagen synthesis, which helps your skin to stay elastic and healthier. Contains antioxidants and microbial properties which evens out your skin tone and treat acne outbreaks. Grapeseed oil is one of the most desirable ingredients in natural skin care and beauty products. It feeds skin and hair with nourishing vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. Loaded with vitamin E and linoleic acid content, grapeseed oil lightens skin discolorations like acne scars and sunspots. Also comprises of polyphenols, which help fight premature aging. “Polyphenols have been known to not just slow the aging process, but reverse signs of aging, like sun spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. Grape seed extract (GSE) is one of nature's most versatile nutrients, acting as a collagen, artery, and heart strengthener, while providing potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.


Cysteine is a sulfur-containing amino acid found in foods like poultry, eggs, dairy, red peppers, garlic and onions. It works as an antioxidant, in the production of collagen - a major component of hair, skin and nails. The primary health benefits derives from its antioxidant properties, which helps support the body's natural ability to manage and regulate blood sugar levels. It also supports digestive health, and maintains the skin's appearance.


Naturally high in antioxidants, purified feverfew extract helps improve the appearance of facial redness and soothes skin irritation, soothes sensitive skin, and is a 10 times more potent antioxidant than Vitamin C.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

Renowned for its ability to replenish levels of the antioxidant glutathione, it also regulates the important neurotransmitter glutamate. These functions may help to improve brain health and benefit people with conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. NAC may help with psychiatric disorders and addictive behaviors. Additionally, NAC helps your body’s detoxification system to prevent or diminish kidney and liver damage. It also stabilizes blood sugar by decreasing inflammation in fat cells.

Turmeric Root

Rich source of bioactive compounds named curcumin, crucial for your skin because of their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties. Turmeric is used to make face masks because it slowly improves skin shine and decreases acne.

Red Raspberry

Contain a high level of Vitamin C, which is vital to collagen production, a protein that makes up 75% of your skin. As you age, collagen decreases, causing wrinkles and sagging. Also helps prevent and repair skin damage from the sun. Protects the skin against UVB-induced damage. High in antioxidants, which helps reduce signs of aging by fighting free radicals in your body. The magnesium and silicon content improves the quality of hair.

Berberine Bark

People most commonly use berberine for diabetes, high levels of “bad” cholesterol, and high blood pressure. It works differently from today's standard cholesterol medications, so it may help treat people who are resistant to other cholesterol-lowering drugs. It is also used for burns, canker sores, liver disease, and many other conditions. Anti-aging is due to the antioxidant benefits, activation of AMPK (boosting metabolic rate), managing blood sugar levels and insulin, and preventing the accumulation of fat in blood vessels and around the waistline.

Ginger Root

Has antiseptic and antioxidant properties enabling the body to fight inflammation. Decreases blemishes by improving blood flow to the skin. Fights skin bacteria and free radicals in the body. Controls puffiness, swelling, and redness of the skin.

Perfecting this powerful formula was of the utmost importance to achieving credibility!

Derma Prime Plus was created with just the right combination and proportion of 100% natural and plant-based extracts for maximum effect and minimum to no side effects.

There are no stimulants or toxins in this product. It is completely safe and effective for everyday consumption. The veggie capsule is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that support and protect brain and liver function. Its main purpose is to rejuvenate skin cells for a healthy and youthful appearance. However, it is recommended that pregnant women, and those with existing medical conditions, consult their physician before taking Derma Prime Plus daily.

IMPORTANT: Derma Prime Plus can only be purchased through its official website. There are major sites out there promoting similar products of zero value and effectiveness. thisavocadotree.com will only provide links to official, trusted, and secure websites. Rest assured that the links on this page and every page on this website are authentic and approved by the official seller.

Ditch the chemicals and go All Natural with Derma Prime Plus. Your body will thank you!

Start Healing from the Inside Out

If you would like to purchase Derma Prime Plus, click the image below which will take you to the official secure purchase page

FOR YOUR SAFEETY click the image above to the OFFICIAL PURCHASE PAGE. The authentic Derma Prime Plus can only be purchased from the official website. Other online sellers can only deliver a knock-off product that will not produce results as advertised.

Free shipping is great, but unfortunately, it is only available in the United States. Read the shipping policy here so you are well informed.

Derma Prime Plus was Created from a Passionate Place

Dr. Ray's twin sister was in a desperate state with a completely disfigured face from hot oil burns inflicted by a jealous ex-husband. She is so confident of her formula that she guarantees your money back if it doesn't work for you within 60 days. Everyone has a different level of expectation and this guarantee assures that you don't waste your money. Click the image below for more details about the official refund policy.

Click here for the official Refund Policy page
Try Derma Prime Plus by clicking the image below for more information and the official secure purchase page.
Derma Prime Plus is manufactured in an FDA approved and *GMP certified facility. (*Good Manufacturing Practices with consistent, controlled, and regulated quality standards)

My Conclusion

From all the reviews and research that I have conducted before publishing this article, and believe me I did a lot, this supplement is trustworthy. The goal is to fix skin concerns and repair dermal layers by boosting collagen synthesis. It is intended to decelerate the aging process by smoothing out the fine lines and wrinkles. And the bonus is the reduction of inflammation and toxins in the body, plus helping to maintain a healthy liver. It is 100% organic, with strict manufacturing guidelines and no side effects reported to date. It's formulated to be beneficial to men and women. The seller has a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your results. Definitely proven to be a one-stop solution to most skin issues.

So what's stopping you? BUY DERMA PRIME PLUS NOW!

Attention: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I encourage you to consult your physician before making any major changes or additions to your lifestyle, especially if you have any current medical concerns/conditions.
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