2 min read

Bad things happen to Good People

Why? We may never know.
Bad things happen to Good People

Recently I was speaking with a friend and this thought came to mind...Why do bad things happen to good people? That conversation inspired me to write this post. Coincidentally, it is also directly related to one of my previous posts Curve Balls can be Tricky. Reflecting on my own experiences, I learnt a great lesson. We could waste a lot of time and energy on trying to understand the "why", but it may prove futile. Why not spend the time on figuring out how we deal with these curve balls thrown at us with no explanation.

If you have lived a good life...that is subjective of course...but in general, the expectation is that all will be well in the long term. However, we know that everything doesn't always go according to plan. This is a fact of life. Sometimes we are dealt crappy situations which I refer to as curve balls. In my opinion, it's better to hope that things go in the direction you want. Or, just have faith that throughout your journey of life so far, you developed the capacity to deal with whatever comes your way.

I have this thing I do every morning before I get out of bed. I spend a few minutes just thinking, reflecting, meditating, if you call it that. Trust me, my mind goes to Timbuctoo and back. But somehow, I get more clarity, focus, and calm. When we are calm, we make better decisions and are more ready to tackle the world.

There is another aspect that came to mind while I was having my thoughtful moments. If you cultivated and nurtured good relationships over the years, in bad times, that support system would be there for you. The key here is to let go of expectations, because it is a known fact, that your friends are the ones who will disappoint you. So again, don't waste time being hurt by those you expected to show up for you. Fear not, your true friends and people who you least expect, will step up to the plate. That's just the way the universe works.

To my friend, if you are reading this, I admire your strength, determination, strong faith, and grace. The way that you are handling everything is truly inspiring. Maybe this is what you were put on this earth to do. Never stop fighting. Don't give in. Keep your chin up! I am here for you in whatever way I can. And I promise to continue making you smile. All the best!

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